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Craft Evening

imageWe are really excited to let you know that we are holding a spring craft evening. No previous crafting experience is needed; all that's required is plenty of enthusiasm!
During the evening you will be created some beautiful gifts made from felt. There will also be a spring flower demonstration and refreshments. 
Entrance is by ticket in advance (£10 donation) from . Minimum age is 16.

Book Now

Pic by Karly Santiago (Unsplash)

Beach Mission

St. Bob's Easter beach mission is set to go ahead again this year when a team will be travelling to Gospel Bay to lay on a week of Bible teaching and fun. Help is needed in all sorts of areas - help with set up each day, refreshment providers for the team, drivers, help with administration, helpers for the children's groups etc. If you would like to get involved please contact  . 

Musicians' Training Day

We are excited to have Christian singer and songwriter Tristan Petty coming to do a special workshop for us later in May. Tristan will be teaching us from the Bible on the place of music in our services and will be leading some practical workshops on:-playing together as a band, arranging music, including those of all abilities.

For more details contact
Pic by David Lusvardi